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According to Article.315 of the Constitution of India, there shall be a Public Service Commission for each State. With the formation of the State of Meghalaya in 1971, the Meghalaya Public Service Commission came into existence on September 14th 1972. Below are the eminent personalities who adorned the Chairmanship and Membership of the first Commission.

Chairman & Member of the first Commission
Sl. No. Name Designation Tenure
1. Shri. G.C. Momin Chairman 22.09.1972 - 21.09.1978
2. Shri. O. Thangkhiew Member 22.09.1972 - 21.09.1978

The first Office of the Commission was housed in the building of the Public works Department of Lower Lachumiere, Shillong -793001.

Owing to increase in the works load and staff members of the Commission the premises in the building of the Public work Department were found to be insufficient and very inconvenient. The Commission office was therefore shifted to the 1st floor of the House Shoe Building, Lower Lachumiere, Shillong-793001 in may, 1993.

Past Chairmen & Chairpersons of the Commission
Sl. No. Name Date of Appointment Date of Retirement
1. Shri. G.C. Momin 22.09.1972 21.09.1978
2. Dr. O. Lyngdoh 16.10.1978 31.03.1981
3. Shri. H. Syiem 01.04.1981 31.03.1987
4. Shri. J.M. Jala, (IAS (Retd) 07.06.1988 31.10.1991
5. Dr. E. Ch. Sangma 21.02.1992 29.03.1994
6. Shri. F.B. Lyngdoh, IAS (Retd) 01.03.1994 31.01.1995
7. Smti. A.D. Dkhar 17.05.1995 05.04.1999
8. Shri. P.J. Sangma 01.05.1999 05.10.2000
9. Shri. O.S. Myriaw 06.10.2000 31.10.2002
10. Smti. J.E. Shullai 16.12.2002 16.05.2006
11. Shri. F. War, B.E. 20.07.2006 23.12.2006
12. Smti. V.S.B. Sangma 13.06.2007 29.09.2010
13. Shri. A.K. Tigide, Retd. IAS 04.04.2011 31.12.2012
14. Smti. L.R. Sangma , Retd. IAS 14.01.2014 24.01.2016
15. Shri.Leadingson M. Sangma.( B.A. LLB) 10.08.2016 28.05.2020
16. Shri. P.R. Marwein, B.E(Civil) 01.10.2020 20.01.2025
Past Members of the Commission
Sl. No. Name Date of Appointment Date of Retirement
1. Shri. O.R. Thangkhiew 22.09.1972 21.09.1978
2. Col. O. Laloo 22.09.1978 21.09.1984
3. Smti. F.K. Marak 22.09.1978 22.09.1984
4. Smti. R.M. Bathew Kharbuli 02.04.1981 01.04.1987
5. Dr. E.Ch. Sangma 21.08.1985 20.08.1991
6. Shri. E.R. Tariang 30.01.1986 24.01.1990
7. Shri. R.S. Syiem 07.04.1987 31.07.1990
8. Shri. B. Kharmalki 15.02.1991 31.12.1994
9. Shri. P.T. Momin 25.02.1991 28.02.1994
10. Shri. F.B. Lyngdoh 08.10.1990 28.02.1994
11. Smti. A.D. Dkhar 13.05.1992 31.01.1995
12. Shri. C.K. Sangma 13.05.1994 03.03.1997
13. Shri. P.J. Sangma 06.10.1994 05.10.2000
14. Shri. C. Khonglah 02.01.1995 31.03.1995
15. Shri. O.S. Myriaw 17.05.1995 31.11.2000
16. Shri. A.J. Momin 30.05.1997 01.05.2001
17. Shri. T. Challam 08.06.1998 16.11.1998
18. Shri. P.K. Lakiang 01.04.1999 31.12.2000
19. Shri. P. Kharpor 01.07.1999 31.08.2000
20. Shri. G.G. Pariat 20.04.2001 18.12.2004
21. Shri. N.G. Momin 23.04.2001 22.04.2007
22. Shri. D. Ch. Marak 11.10.2001 10.10.2007
23. Shri. F. War 27.11.2003 19.07.2006
24. Smti. B.N. Diengdoh 06.12.2005 31.12.2008
25. Shri. B. Nongbah, BA 08.06.2007 08.06.2013
26. Shri. W.B. Suchiang, BA (Hons) 08.06.2007 08.06.2013
27. Smti. F.B. Sangma, M.A (Education) 08.07.2008 08.07.2014
28. Shri. I.R. Lanong 03.02.2009 02.02.2015
29. Shri. P.S. Dkhar 13.09.2013 17.09.2015
30. Smti. B.W Momin 16.09.2013 24.08.2017
31. Dr. R. Dympep 04.09.2015 30.11.2016
32. Shri.M.M.Sun. B.E (Civil) 10.08.2016 02.03.2020
33. Smti. Susan M. Laloo, M.A (History) 30.10.2015 22.12.2020
34. Dr. L. D. Sangma, (Th.D) 09.08.2018 08.08.2024
35. Smti. C. Lyngdoh, M.A, M.Phil 15.10.2018 31.10.2024