According to Article.315 of the Constitution of India, there shall be a Public Service Commission for each State. With the formation of the State of Meghalaya in 1971, the Meghalaya Public Service Commission came into existence on September 14th 1972. Below are the eminent personalities who adorned the Chairmanship and Membership of the first Commission.
Sl. No. | Name | Designation | Tenure |
1. | Shri. G.C. Momin | Chairman | 22.09.1972 - 21.09.1978 |
2. | Shri. O. Thangkhiew | Member | 22.09.1972 - 21.09.1978 |
The first Office of the Commission was housed in the building of the Public works Department of Lower Lachumiere, Shillong -793001.
Owing to increase in the works load and staff members of the Commission the premises in the building of the Public work Department were found to be insufficient and very inconvenient. The Commission office was therefore shifted to the 1st floor of the House Shoe Building, Lower Lachumiere, Shillong-793001 in may, 1993.
Sl. No. | Name | Date of Appointment | Date of Retirement |
1. | Shri. G.C. Momin | 22.09.1972 | 21.09.1978 |
2. | Dr. O. Lyngdoh | 16.10.1978 | 31.03.1981 |
3. | Shri. H. Syiem | 01.04.1981 | 31.03.1987 |
4. | Shri. J.M. Jala, (IAS (Retd) | 07.06.1988 | 31.10.1991 |
5. | Dr. E. Ch. Sangma | 21.02.1992 | 29.03.1994 |
6. | Shri. F.B. Lyngdoh, IAS (Retd) | 01.03.1994 | 31.01.1995 |
7. | Smti. A.D. Dkhar | 17.05.1995 | 05.04.1999 |
8. | Shri. P.J. Sangma | 01.05.1999 | 05.10.2000 |
9. | Shri. O.S. Myriaw | 06.10.2000 | 31.10.2002 |
10. | Smti. J.E. Shullai | 16.12.2002 | 16.05.2006 |
11. | Shri. F. War, B.E. | 20.07.2006 | 23.12.2006 |
12. | Smti. V.S.B. Sangma | 13.06.2007 | 29.09.2010 |
13. | Shri. A.K. Tigide, Retd. IAS | 04.04.2011 | 31.12.2012 |
14. | Smti. L.R. Sangma , Retd. IAS | 14.01.2014 | 24.01.2016 |
15. | Shri.Leadingson M. Sangma.( B.A. LLB) | 10.08.2016 | 28.05.2020 |
16. | Shri. P.R. Marwein, B.E(Civil) | 01.10.2020 | 20.01.2025 |
Sl. No. | Name | Date of Appointment | Date of Retirement |
1. | Shri. O.R. Thangkhiew | 22.09.1972 | 21.09.1978 |
2. | Col. O. Laloo | 22.09.1978 | 21.09.1984 |
3. | Smti. F.K. Marak | 22.09.1978 | 22.09.1984 |
4. | Smti. R.M. Bathew Kharbuli | 02.04.1981 | 01.04.1987 |
5. | Dr. E.Ch. Sangma | 21.08.1985 | 20.08.1991 |
6. | Shri. E.R. Tariang | 30.01.1986 | 24.01.1990 |
7. | Shri. R.S. Syiem | 07.04.1987 | 31.07.1990 |
8. | Shri. B. Kharmalki | 15.02.1991 | 31.12.1994 |
9. | Shri. P.T. Momin | 25.02.1991 | 28.02.1994 |
10. | Shri. F.B. Lyngdoh | 08.10.1990 | 28.02.1994 |
11. | Smti. A.D. Dkhar | 13.05.1992 | 31.01.1995 |
12. | Shri. C.K. Sangma | 13.05.1994 | 03.03.1997 |
13. | Shri. P.J. Sangma | 06.10.1994 | 05.10.2000 |
14. | Shri. C. Khonglah | 02.01.1995 | 31.03.1995 |
15. | Shri. O.S. Myriaw | 17.05.1995 | 31.11.2000 |
16. | Shri. A.J. Momin | 30.05.1997 | 01.05.2001 |
17. | Shri. T. Challam | 08.06.1998 | 16.11.1998 |
18. | Shri. P.K. Lakiang | 01.04.1999 | 31.12.2000 |
19. | Shri. P. Kharpor | 01.07.1999 | 31.08.2000 |
20. | Shri. G.G. Pariat | 20.04.2001 | 18.12.2004 |
21. | Shri. N.G. Momin | 23.04.2001 | 22.04.2007 |
22. | Shri. D. Ch. Marak | 11.10.2001 | 10.10.2007 |
23. | Shri. F. War | 27.11.2003 | 19.07.2006 |
24. | Smti. B.N. Diengdoh | 06.12.2005 | 31.12.2008 |
25. | Shri. B. Nongbah, BA | 08.06.2007 | 08.06.2013 |
26. | Shri. W.B. Suchiang, BA (Hons) | 08.06.2007 | 08.06.2013 |
27. | Smti. F.B. Sangma, M.A (Education) | 08.07.2008 | 08.07.2014 |
28. | Shri. I.R. Lanong | 03.02.2009 | 02.02.2015 |
29. | Shri. P.S. Dkhar | 13.09.2013 | 17.09.2015 |
30. | Smti. B.W Momin | 16.09.2013 | 24.08.2017 |
31. | Dr. R. Dympep | 04.09.2015 | 30.11.2016 |
32. | Shri.M.M.Sun. B.E (Civil) | 10.08.2016 | 02.03.2020 |
33. | Smti. Susan M. Laloo, M.A (History) | 30.10.2015 | 22.12.2020 |
34. | Dr. L. D. Sangma, (Th.D) | 09.08.2018 | 08.08.2024 |
35. | Smti. C. Lyngdoh, M.A, M.Phil | 15.10.2018 | 31.10.2024 |
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